Thursday, May 31, 2007


So many things wrong in this world – and yet so many of them so right –
So many things … --- a melting pot of various human emotions each being played out simultaneously with each other – each human at each time an embodiment of some human emotion – and yet at others – standing for something else – and that’s how we have our world – that’s how we inhabit it – that’s how its run – so what is the average person supposed to do in the face of acts of other perfectly average humans – fight for what is rightfully his own – or accept it as the byproduct of ourselves – stand for what is essentially right – but then circumstances are bound to dictate what is right and what is not –

Too many people are deeply patriotic – too many – yet what happens is we pay lip service to the idea – yes we do stand up on both independence and republic day --- proudly recite janagana mana – yes we may even sing a few patriotic songs – we may beam proudly – on the fact that democracy thrives in India ,, while – is no where on the radar in china.. we are all proud of the fact that we have free media ..etc – but how many of us have actually thought of what we do for this country – yeah I know – I am beginning to sound like some stupid git – for whom all there is, is ranting ..
But that’s exactly what I am not doing ..—what I am saying is there are many things u can do – without giving up any of the dreams u have – just remember even ur smallest actions have big effects – u just have to do the right things – u know the things that they taught u at school – things that effectively will take no time at all – example?? –
Well for starters try a little not to throw garbage on the road – switch off lights when not needed – try not to waste water – and think about the amount of resources It takes – every time u use something – things that may appear small – but have catastrophic effect –

For example did u know .. that a village which used to get only 6 hours of electricity every day now gets 24 hours --- because they teamed up with the electricity board – and started using electricity judiciously. – wow..
Right .. that’s what I said ..
People in another village – stopped using tube wells which was causing devastating drop in ground water levels – and started making ponds etc – so that rain water could actually percolate down – and now they have water at 8 meters below ground..—up from – 125 metres below ground level..

Well the rest is just bakwaas.. but – you know.. if u were to do just the little things that u can do – it could make a whole lot of difference..

Maybe enough of us will read the post and decide to change a little part of urself – feel happier for standing up for the right things – maybe u too will do it – and feel happy about taking up responsibility for what is cool..

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